Pre-service teachers
In-service teachers
Teacher Educators
Education Organisations
Government Organisations
An online platform for knowledge sharing & support to support pre-service teachers in the transition through practicum and into early career. The platform includes mentorship circles & community Q&A forum.
Read more or go straight to Sign up to TeachConnect
Pedagogy on Demand
An online platform developed for teacher educators to help PSTs examine exemplar teaching practices & support PSTs in the design & implementation of engaging STEM activities. Includes videos of contemporary teaching & a space for professional dialogue.
Engaging Students in Scientific Inquiry
A learning framework to help pre-service teachers and practising teachers better understand and teach science based on contemporary scientific research practice. Self-paced professional learning resources including videos, practical & research resources.
Nature of STEM
A platform for deepening conversations about the nature of science and STEM Education to help teachers better understand & reflect on how the nature of science can impact upon their STEM teaching practice.
Project Publications
A collection of articles, publications, conference presentations and workshops resulting from the Step Up project to help inform future research & practice.